Designed for advanced eRIS users, this THREE-DAY BIRT Eclipse for eRIS training will teach you how to navigate and use Eclipse BIRT for report development and integration into eRIS. At the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and ability to create basic and advanced reports in BIRT, leveraging its power while simplifying the report development process. The topics for this course include:
- Eclipse BIRT Overview
- Eclipse BIRT Report Elements (Chart, Table, etc.)
- Creating a Report in BIRT
- Create and configure Master Pages
- Formatting a Report in BIRT (Filters, Highlighting, etc.)
- Create and configure Data Sources and Data Sets
- Tag Data Sets for Reports
- Advanced Tag Data Sets (Computed Columns, Shifted timeframes, etc.)
- Table Data Sets for Reports
- Report Parameters
- Building Table Views in eRIS for use in BIRT reports
- Writing Expressions and Report Scripting
- Debugging Reports
- Publishing Reports to eRIS
- Reviewing existing Reports in Eclipse BIRT
The training will be held ONLINE and is limited to ten (10) participants. The training will include material to work on prior to the session along with classroom and lab style instruction. Sessions will run from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm EST with a 30-minute lunch break from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm EST each day.