Designed for advanced eRIS users, the ONE-DAY Mastering eRIS Calculations training will prepare staff to build, test and debug calculations. The class introduces users to basic calculation concepts and specific techniques to build simple and powerful analytics. The day is filled with instructor-led presentations and seven (7) hands-on labs that cover the following topics:
- Calculation overview
- Introduction to coding a calculation (Lab)
- Code Commenting
- Conditional if statements (Lab)
- Loops (Lab)
- Filling Gaps method
- Aligning/Pairing Data together (Lab)
- Multiple value output (Lab)
- How Rules are different then Calculations
- Creating and coding a Rule and flagging values (Lab)
- Rules with changing data values (Lab)
The training will be held ONLINE and is limited to ten (10) participants. The training will include classroom and lab-style instruction. The session will run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm EST with a 30-minute lunch break from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm EST. Participants must have their own computer capable of connecting to the internet for the training session.