Designed for new eRIS users, the ONE-DAY How to use eRIS training will quickly prepare staff to use and master the core tools of eRIS. The class introduces users to the browser-based user interface and the navigation tools within the solution. The day is filled with instructor-led presentations and three (3) hands-on labs that cover the following topics:
- eRIS Overview
- Logbooks - Lab
- Data Query - Lab
- Trends
- Running Reports
- Report Builder - Lab
- Alarms and Events
- Data Entry Forms
- Data Entry Sheets
The training will be held ONLINE and is limited to ten (10) participants. The training will include classroom and lab-style instruction. The session will run from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm EST with a 30-minute lunch break from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm EST. Participants must have their own computer capable of connecting to the internet for the training session.